Psychedelic Therapy

 'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' -C.G. Jung

Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy (PSIP)

I offer a somatic-based, interactional therapy designed to address trauma at the root level of the nervous system. This approach leverages the body's innate healing abilities by focusing on processing through the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

What is PSI Psychotherapy?

Unlike traditional psychedelic sessions, which often involve a passive experience with music and eye shades, the PSIP method emphasizes a somatic approach combined with active guidance and relational processing.  From a psychodynamic and attachment theory framework, these sessions provides a more interactive and integrative therapeutic experience. While this typically involves integrating psychedelic medicines such as legally-prescribed ketamine and cannabis into this modality, their use is not mandatory.

PSIP therapy helps address and transcend responses such as fight/flight/fawn, freeze, and dissociation, facilitating the complete processing of trauma stored in the body. The aim of a PSIP session is to activate the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to release and process stored energy, enhance your understanding of your response patterns, and develop new pathways for achieving sustained calm, presence, and full embodiment in your life.

Sessions are generally intensive, lasting around two hours each. The number of sessions required to achieve a sense of resolution varies depending on individual factors such as personal trauma history, level of dissociation, and the readiness of your system to release stored emotions.

This video (from the PSIP website) provides a valuable explanation of how the body and autonomic nervous system contribute to many mental health symptoms and how this homeostatic process functions during a psychedelic therapy session to address trauma. Originally part of a PSI training for mental health professionals, the video is also highly beneficial for clients to watch before starting psychedelic treatment. Viewing this video offers clear insight into a core aspect of the PSIP model and demonstrates how it is applied during a psychedelic session.